
ESCE membership fees

Dear ESCE members, We are looking forward to meeting you all this year in Ancona for the next CECE meeting ( ). Registration for the meeting has already opened. If you are planning to attend, remember that you can benefit from a discount as an ESCE member. However, for that you need to be updated about the payment of your membership fees. On behalf of our Secretary/Treasurer Elisabeth Eppler, I would like to remind you of the importance of paying the Society membership fees, not only for this, but because the payment of the fees is important for the maintenance of the Society. Among others, at this point, the fees will help us provide student grants to attend the meeting. If you have doubts about your payment status do not hesitate to contact her . Best regards, EncarnaciĆ³n Capilla ESCE Vice-President

Register for the 31st CECE in Ancona, Italy, in September 2024

 A message from Professor Oliana Carnevali and the organising committee of the 31st CECE: Dear Colleagues and Friends,  We are happy to announce the opening of the 31st CECE website and registration. All info at . We hope to see you in Ancona in September 2024. The deadline for early bird registration and abstract submission is May 31st, 2024.

Call for nominations for the 19th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology (ICCE19)

The Council of the International Federation of Comparative Endocrinological Societies (IFCES) requests nominations for the Bargmann-Scharrer Lecture, the Pickford Medal Lecture, and the Barrington-Kobayashi Lecture, to be given at the 19th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology (ICCE19) in Sendai, Japan, July 8-12, 2025. - The Bargmann-Scharrer Lecture recognizes the life-long achievements of a prominent comparative neuroendocrinologist. - The Pickford Medal Lecture recognizes the achievements of a comparative endocrinologist under the age of 45 (as of February 16, 2024). - The Barrington-Kobayashi Lecture is a career award that recognizes the lifelong achievements of a comparative endocrinologist. Please send by February 16, 2024, a nomination letter including a brief statement of the significance of the work for which the candidate is nominated and an up-to-date Curriculum vitae of the nominee by e-mail to Angela B. Lange ( ) using as the mess...

Save the date: 31st CECE in Ancona, Italy, in September 2024

It is with pleasure that we inform you that the next CECE meeting will be held in Ancona (Italy) on September 1-5, 2024. The first flyer prepared by the organizers is included below. There is still more than a year's time before the meeting, but we would like you to save the date.  We look forward to meeting you all there!

30th CECE & 9th ISFE Joint Conference 4-8 September 2022

Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the European Society for Comparative Endocrinology (ESCE) and the International Society for Fish Endocrinology (ISFE) it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 30th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists (CECE) and the 9th International Symposium of Fish Endocrinology (ISFE), delayed from 2020 due to the pandemic. The Joint Conference will be held on 4-8 September 2022 at the University of Algarve, Penha Campus, Faro, Portugal. Organized normally every two years, the 30th CECE is Europe’s foremost conference for comparative endocrinology, welcoming researchers from around the world. Organized normally every 4 years since 1988, the 9th ISFE brings together fish endocrinologists from around the world to discuss the most recent developments in the field. Students and early career researchers are especially invited to participate. Financial support will be available. The Organising Committee is working enthusiastically to make this co...