
Constitution 2004

Note: amendments to Articles I and VI approved by the ESCE business meeting, 25 Aug. 2012.

Article I - Name and object

The Organization is named, for all intents and purposes: “European Society for Comparative Endocrinology”. Its object is to promote interdisciplinary knowledge in fields of biology and medicine concerned with the morphological and functional aspects of Comparative Endocrinology and related fields. For this purpose Meetings and Courses may be organized and publications issued.

Amendment approved 25 Aug. 2012. Relinquishment of the pursuit of profit and individual benefit: The society pursues neither profit nor individual benefit.

Article II - Membership

1) The Society shall consist of Members and Honorary Members.

2) Qualified investigators in Comparative Endocrinology and related fields shall be eligible for membership in the Society.
Distinguished scientists who have contributed to the advance of biology and medicine shall be eligible as Honorary Members.
The Council of the Society shall, from names suggested in writing by Members, nominate candidates for election as a Member to the Society. Members of European National Societies for Endocrinology shall be eligible for Membership of the Society without nomination.

Article III - Officers

1) The Officers of the Society shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined.

2) The business of the Society shall be conducted by a Council of ordinary Members of the Society consisting of the Officers and a number of other Members. In addition, the President of the Local Organizing Committee of the upcoming Scientific meeting of the Society shall be a member of the Council ex officio. The President of the Society or in his absence the Vice-president, shall be chairman of the Council, at which five members shall constitute a quorum.

3) The Officers of the Society and other members of the Council shall be elected after nomination by the Council by the members at the business meetings of the Society. The Secretary will provide the Members with a list of candidates nominated by the Council. The list will contain more names than vacancies. The President and Vice-President shall be elected for four years. They shall not be eligible for re-election to the same office until after a period of three years. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected for six years and shall not be eligible for re-election until after a period of five years. The other members of the Council shall be elected for four years and shall be eligible for re-election for one further period of four years.

4) The President, after consultation with the Council, shall be authorized to nominate committees for special purposes, within the general program of the Society.

5) The Council will, if possible, meet once a year and, in any case, at the occasion of the Scientific Meetings of the Society.

6) The Council shall be authorized to arrange programmes for Scientific Meetings.

Article IV - Standing Committee

1) Membership Committee: the Council shall act as Membership Committee.

Article V - Business meetings

1) A business meeting of the Society will be held at the occasion of the Scientific meeting.

Article VI - Financial

1) The assessment of the Society subscriptions shall be determined by a majority vote at a business meeting of the Society on recommendation of the Council.

2) The funds of the Society shall be under control of the Council who shall have power to expend such funds for the promotions of the objects of the Society as they think fit.

3) The Treasurer shall submit a financial report to the Council.

Amendment approved 25 Aug. 2012. Modification to Article VI, specification of the disbandment clause: After the disbandment of the society, the remaining funds are to be transferred to a tax-exempt institution with domicile in Switzerland having the same or similar purpose. Distribution amongst the members is precluded.

Article VII - Amendments

Proposed amendments to the constitution may be acted upon at the meetings of the Society, provided that each proposal is endorsed in writing by at least three Members, and placed in the hands of the President not less than three months before the Meeting.
The amendments should be circulated to the Members at least two months before the meeting.
A two-third majority of the voting Members shall be required for adopting an amendment to the constitution. The vote may be done in writing.

Article VIII - Legal address

The official address of the Secretary is the legal address of the Society.